Journal of Innovation and Creativity Resources <p>Journal of Innovation and Creativity Resource (JICR) is a peer-reviewed journal concerned to publish <em><strong>community services activities/Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat</strong></em> with the purpose to empower society. The first issue of this journal published in 2021. This periodical publication receives articles in English.<br />JICR invites manuscripts on various topics dealing with the empowerment of society. The journal provides forums interested in performing community engagement as well as to those involved with the policy, business, and higher education.</p> en-US Wed, 08 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Teacher empowerment and creativity models in the management of simple science teaching aids and experiments in high school <p>The primary activity in the learning and learning process to accomplish educational objectives is educational contact. When conditions were favourable during COVID-19, particularly in coastal locations, this aim modified once again during face-to-face training in early 2022. When the learning system prioritises the internet, it is undoubtedly challenging for instructors and other components to think imaginatively and innovatively about how to teach in situations where it has been impossible to meet in class on a regular basis. Therefore, through this volunteer work, high schools in coastal regions like the Meranti Islands Regency in Riau Province have tested the implementation of experimental coaching and teaching aids for science teachers and physics teachers through real lecture programmes from universities in local villages. To be able to explain and conduct experiments, it is necessary to have a basic grasp of simple natural phenomena. However, this is not always possible due to the lack of appropriate equipment.</p> Sofia Anita, Saktioto Saktioto, Syamsudhuha Syamsudhuha, Defrianto Defrianto, Mohammad Fisal Rabin Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Innovation and Creativity Resources Tue, 10 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Integration of creativity development and innovation in online science experiment learning at the middle school level in Meranti Islands District <p>To attain educational objectives for instructors and students in schools, the teaching method and the exhibition of experimental tools are still being developed in secondary schools. The COVID-19 period saw a delay in the experimental learning process because of the causes and circumstances of the pandemic's propagation. To keep the experimental science learning process going, though, alternate methods must be developed. This research proposes a novel approach for online media to promote creativity in science experiment learning. By combining online in a hybrid and integrated manner, this activity is completed as community service that doesn't obstruct learning. The outcomes of this activity show that learning is successful when equipment can be presented and when teacher-student interaction is successful using the provided model.</p> Saktioto Saktioto, Juandi Muhammad, Ari Sulistyo Rini, Defrianto Defrianto Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Innovation and Creativity Resources Sat, 14 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 A simple understanding of physics from an Islamic perspective at the As-Shofa Islamic School Pekanbaru <p>In this modern era, scholars and experts in science and social sciences have provided each other with assistance and solutions to face the problem of understanding science, especially physics, completely. The problems faced are quite realistic in everyday life, especially for students in education at every school and college. Complicated understanding makes students confused and requires initiative steps with a religious science approach. This service method is carried out in a hybrid manner (during and offline) by providing short material and some motivation for various physical phenomena that occur in everyday life according to Islamic views. This service analysis was carried out by collecting data on all students who took part in the learning process. Qualitative and quantitative assessments based on the number of students attracted by the learning materials being promoted. The students involved in this activity seemed very enthusiastic in paying attention and understanding all the material presented. Before starting innovative learning activities, students first take a short and quick test in natural science questions, especially physics. The results of the first exam turned out to be still in the unsatisfactory category. Then the service program was implemented by providing innovative learning and motivation for teachers with several interesting questions. Testing of insight and skills is carried out after learning activities by taking short and quick tests. The results of the second exam were very satisfying with an increase of 85% from the previous one.</p> Defrianto Defrianto, Saktioto Saktioto, Rahmondia Nanda Setiadi, Rakhmawati Farma, Yan Soerbakti, Mohammad Fisal Rabin Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Innovation and Creativity Resources Sun, 05 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Efforts to enhance teacher competency at Kampar Regency High School in learning physics using mechanical KIT <p>The learning process at school cannot be separated from students' cognitive abilities regarding teaching material. Especially in physics learning material, students' ability to understand the material depends on how the learning process (understanding concepts) is emphasized. Physics material, especially mechanics, is sometimes difficult to describe in real life due to limited examples, but Mechanics KIT is one solution that can be used to help students achieve their learning goals. Of course, this process begins with the ability and mastery of using KIT by the teacher, in this case, the physics teacher. The formulation of the problem in this service activity is how to increase teacher competence in using KIT Mechanics in learning. This service activity aims to conduct training for teachers at SMA N 1 Kampar to increase competence and mastery of the use of KIT mechanics in learning. The results of the evaluation of activities, it can be seen that the competency ability to use KIT mechanics in physics learning by teachers has increased significantly.</p> Azhar Azhar, Dedi Irawan, Nur Islami, Muhammad Sahal Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Innovation and Creativity Resources Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Design and implementation of smart gun sprayer of gulma controller tool of palm oil plantation in Bukit Kratai, Kampar District <p>This article reports community service activities in implementing ergonomically designed weed control tools based on renewable energy, as well as measuring the effectiveness of using designed tools compared to conventional tools. The design and design of the gun sprayer was carried out with students from the University of Riau's integrated Real Work Lecture (KKN). The weed control tool is designed based on renewable energy which utilizes solar panels as a converter of solar energy into electrical energy to drive a DC pump brushless motor. The tool is designed by taking into account ergonomic anthropometric data for the average body posture of Indonesians as users. While the sprayer is designed in the form of a smart gun sprayer, the length of the sprayer gun can be adjusted from 1.2 m to 3 meters, with adjustable nozzles, while the hose has a length of up to 100 m, so that this smart sprayer gun can reach wider and higher weeds. From the tests carried out, this tool can reach agricultural land within a radius of 100 square meters and can complete weed control in an area of 2 hectares in about 6 hours. In addition, this service activity ensures that the use of weed control tools with a smart gun sprayer can reduce the risk of work accidents and can increase work productivity by around 300%.</p> Dedi Irawan, Azhar Azhar, Muhammad Sahal, Naila Fauza Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Innovation and Creativity Resources Fri, 20 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700