Health quality improvement of Banglas Village through community service program
Digital Education, Health, Hypertension, PHBS, StuntingAbstract
As one of the strategies to improve the health of the community in Banglas Village, the students of 2023 Riau University community service activities in Banglas Village. The implementation method used early detection, counseling, training, and mentoring. The team participated in the monthly Posyandu program. This involved measuring height and weight and exploring children's developmental levels. The results of the counseling activities, the impact, causes, and prevention of stunting, as well as the importance of nutrition for mothers and children, have aroused the enthusiasm and curiosity of the mothers and the program "GeLAS Stunting: Gerakan Banglas Cegah Stunting" program was also welcomed by Posyandu officers and the community in Banglas village. Through the implementation of joint gymnastics, efforts to control hypertension were also made. PHBS also showed great enthusiasm, especially in implementing the 6-step handwashing practice. This is designed to ensure students understand and practice what it means to live a clean and healthy life. digital education that has been conducted at SMP IT PERMATA also provides knowledge about the negative impact of digital technology on physical and mental health, how to prevent negative impacts, and how to use technology properly.